Introducing our New Girl Mentorship Program


We are thrilled to announce that we have a new mentorship program underway! 

Over the last few months, with guidance and seed funding from DeSa Global Leadership, we’ve been strategizing sustainable ways to help develop the next generation of women leaders in Mozambique. The GIRL Mentorship Program is the end result.

We’re excited to share all of the details with you! Read on to learn why we’re implementing it, how it’ll work, and the timeline of activities. 

How It Will Work

This holistic, transformational program set to launch in August 2021 will be a key strategy in stopping the cycle of poverty and creating a new, more promising future for girls in Mozambique. 

  • 15 high schoolers in our program who show leadership potential will be selected to train and serve as stewards of change for their communities by becoming mentors to a group of 10 younger girls in our program.

  • We will also be training interns from local universities to join our team of mentor leaders! These young women will teach leadership skills to high school student mentors, thereby creating a cascade effect where each generation guides the next. 

  • The mentor leaders and mentors will learn responsibility, become servant leaders, and prepare for internships, college, or jobs, while the younger girls will be supported by a mentor.

  • The Kurandza team, made up of emerging women leaders, will lead this group of young mentors to help them keep their eyes on the future. 

Why We’re Implementing This Program 

The goal of this program is to set both mentors and mentees for long-term success, thereby creating a ripple effect for years to come. The younger girls will feel more supported, confident, and empowered in their studies while the high schoolers have the opportunity to hone their leadership skills and share their knowledge. 

On top of that, in Mozambique, many young girls are feeling the after-effects of the pandemic right now. Across Mozambique, we’ve been seeing high numbers of: 

  • Teen pregnancies 

  • School drop outs

  • Illiteracy 

  • Physical abuse 

Education is a key strategy for combating these issues and breaking these cycles. By giving the girls the resources and support they need to continue with their studies, the mentorship program will be a key strategy to keep them in school and on the path to a brighter future. 

The Program Timeline 

First Two Weeks of August 2021: Selection of GIRL Mentors

The team will be selecting standout girls from secondary school who will each mentor the younger girls in primary and middle school.

Third Week of August 2021: Training and Instruction of the Team

We’ll spend this week equipping Kurandza team members and interns from local universities with the tools and knowledge they need to lead the program successfully.  

Fourth Week of August 2021: Training and Instruction of Mentors

The team will take this time to train and instruct the girls (mentors) so that they are qualified and competent to work with the younger girls (mentees). 

End of August 2021: Mentee Assignments

The younger girls will be assigned to their mentors, taking into account their ages, where they live, and grade level of each.

September: Start of Monitoring of Mentorship Program

This is the week that the mentorship program activities begin! The GIRL Mentors will start monitoring their mentees via weekly check-in calls, bi-weekly in-person meetings, and monthly group meetings. We will serve lunch for the children and have space to facilitate learning activities and encourage open discussions.

Mentorship programs can be a powerful way to drive learning and development. We’re so excited to see the outcomes that evolve from this initiative as we work with DeSa Global Leadership, a professional training and coaching company, to nurture emerging female leaders in Mozambique. 

A special thanks to them for making this all possible! In addition to funding, DeSa Global Leadership will be conducting a virtual leadership training session for our mentor leaders!


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