Our Impact

Since launching our first education program in 2017, Kurandza has been providing holistic schooling for over 250 girls who wouldn’t have access otherwise. As our team and community continue to grow each year, so does our impact.

The education of 1 girl will impact 100 people in her lifetime.

Every girl who is educated creates a better future not only for herself, but for her immediate family, her neighbors, and her own children.

By the numbers

Take a look at the impact you’ve helped create in 2023 alone.

  • 12

    Women employed

  • 255

    Children with educational sponsorships

  • 302

    Hours of literacy sessions

  • 909

    Social support home visits

  • 25,500+

    Lives impacted in the community

  • 248,938+

    Miles of walking to school saved through transportation

  • 48,339+

    Days of school funded


A look into our EDUCATE program

  • Educate

    With scholarships covering school supplies, uniforms, backpacks, and school fees, Kurandza students gain access to a life-changing education. In addition to school, children participate in literacy sessions taught by the Kurandza team to ensure literacy levels surpass the national standards for reading and writing. Meanwhile, we work with parents, teaching them financial literacy, budgeting, and community saving so they can become empowered to take over their child's schooling expenses after the 6th grade.

  • Equip

    Our Program Vision:

    The next step in the Kurandza journey, this new holistic program helps secondary school students build a strong foundation of practical life skills by taking courses in: financial literacy, public speaking, nutrition, health and hygiene, agriculture, self defense, first aid, leadership, self-confidence and everything in between.

  • Empower

    Our Program Vision:

    Our goal is to open this program up to our 10th, 11th, and 12th graders, along with parents of the Kurandza community. This program teaches essential business skills including market analysis, feasibility studies, community needs assessments, and business plan development to nurture innovative entrepreneurial ideas that will uplift the entire community.


Providing over 250 girls with the skills, tools, and resources necessary to become empowered. 

For a girl in Mozambique, an education is the path forward and an important step in breaking the cycle of generational poverty. Attending school will provide her with greater employment opportunities later in life and teach her important skills like reading, writing, and problem solving.



Kurandza’s 2023
Impact Report

Transparency is of the utmost importance to us, and we strive to always measure and evaluate the genuine impact of our work. To read about how we fulfilled our mission and drove positive change in Mozambique last year, download our full-length 2023 Impact Report.


“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”

— proverb